BJP and its leaders at times seem to go berserk discarding valuable parliamentary practices. Recently the Joint Parliamentary Committee – an entity which is supposed to be a Judge, an evaluator and an adjudicator also of similar issues including telecom issues gave advance findings, opinions, conclusions and views in press conferences. Vituperative language was used by Yashwant Sinha, member of JPC, against the Home Minister and the then Finance Minister. Sinha’s utterances reflected utter disregard and lack of knowledge. One wonders whether he deserves to be a senior leader and a member of the JPC which is a matter of honour and prestige and then take sides barely before the proceeding started. What was the basis and propriety for giving advance findings and conclusion? There could be none other than to malign others and also thereby bring down prestige of JPC. It was an absolutely absurd allegation made by a biased mind. It is absolutely murder of norms, rules, practices.
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